AcroAlliance - Leading in Acrocomia Research
Our research consortium has contributed significant advances from the domestication of macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) as well as the characterization of its genetic diversity and agronomy to the development of new technological approaches and high-value added food ingredients and products based on macauba fruits. In AcroAlliance, we built on the expertise of every project partner on specific areas, with the aim to integrate scientific knowledge and apply a value web approach towards the evolution of macaúba as novel crop for novel and multifunctional production systems.
The Acro Alliance Team

Plant Genetic Resources Center

The UFV stands out in the national and international scene as a center of excellence in teaching, research and extension activities, ranked as one of the top ten universities in Brazil. It is internationally recognized for its graduate programs in phytopathology, entomology, plant physiology, animal science, agricultural microbiology, genetics and breeding, soil science and crop nutrition, and food science and technology.

The UFV has ample expertise in propagation, genetics and breeding of macauba as well as testing of macauba based cropping systems, its crop management and nutrition, and its harvest and post-harvest methods. The research team at UFV also established the world's largest macauba germplasm bank with accessions from all over Brazil, located at Araponga, Minas Gerais.

IVV and ITAL have a longterm research partnership, working together on the development of novel food systems. In this context, two projects on macauba can be hghlighted, i. e. Acrowards and Acrofibre.

The UFV stands out in the national and international scene as a center of excellence in teaching, research and extension activities, ranked as one of the top ten universities in Brazil. It is internationally recognized for its graduate programs in phytopathology, entomology, plant physiology, animal science, agricultural microbiology, genetics and breeding, soil science and crop nutrition, and food science and technology.